How to Eat Healthy with Heart Disease and Diabetes

How to Eat Healthy with Heart Disease and Diabetes

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death among adults, especially in men. Often the heart disease is accompanied by diabetes and that complicates the medical condition of the patient, especially affecting blood vessels. The good news is that people with heart disease, diabetes or both can help control these conditions by paying attention to their diet.

1. Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Raisins with cereal, a glass of fruit juice (be careful with sugar intake if you are diabetic) or a handful of peas all count for the daily amount. Use each meal to eat fruits and / or vegetables.

2. Include more fiber-rich foods in your diet. This is as simple as replacing unrefined white pasta with whole wheat spaghetti and long grain white rice with brown rice.

3. Eat more fish and shellfish and less fatty meats. The ideal is to eat about 3.5 servings of fish a week. Fatty fish, such as mackerel or herring, is even better. If you eat meat, remove excess fat and choose lean meat from chicken or turkey instead of pork or lamb, if possible. Like no more than twice a week pork or sausage.

4. Add dry thefts to your diet. For example, add lentils with a vegetable soup or walnuts to your breakfast cereal.

5. Choose skim milk products and limit the amount of saturated fat you consume. Vegetable oils can replace solid fats in the kitchen.

6. Avoid cakes, cookies and sweets as much as possible, because of their high calorie content.

7. Limit salt intake. Do not add salt to your food while you cook and take care of the consumption of processed foods. Restrict intake to less than 1,500 mg of salt per day.

This article is purely informative,  we have no power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.


  • Start with something small: switch from white to brown or whole grain bread.
  • Limit sweets, like cakes and chocolate, to once a week.
  • Do not neglect most important food group of your diet, such as carbohydrates, to lose weight.