How to fight fatigue

How to fight fatigue

The fatigue and tiredness are very common and can be solved with a good night's sleep. However, if you begin to feel constantly tired, this condition may be related to your lifestyle. There are small changes you can make in your habits that will help you increase your energy naturally.  In this article are some ideas so you know how to combat fatigue and again fully rested and at ease with yourself.

1. One of the best and most effective ways there are to fight fatigue is deeply rest at night . It may seem obvious but sleep better can actually help people suffering from fatigue. Try to sleep at least seven hours a night to make sure your body is well rested.

If you find it hard to fall asleep you can put some lavender essential oil on your pillow. Also try not to watch TV or play computer games right before bed, as this stimulates your mind and keeps you awake. Instead try reading a book.

2. Another way to combat fatigue is to exercise regularly . Cardiovascular exercise awakens the nervous system and stimulates metabolism. This makes it much easier for your body to release energy and, thus, to be able to rest better at night. The most recommended is to do 30 minutes of exercise every day or, if you can not, try to do 1 hour sessions in an intercalated way during the week, at least 3 days.

3. Change your diet. Junk food and a bad diet can really affect how you feel. Foods that are high in sugar give a short-term energy boost but then make your blood sugar levels fall making you feel tired.

Try to consume as many minerals, vitamins and nutrients as possible to energize and nourish your body. Eating lots of lean protein, fresh fruits and vegetables will make you feel better. If you are very tired, a good way to relieve symptoms is to take vitamin supplements that will help you feel more vital and energetic.

4. It is also essential to know relegating responsibilities and better organize your life . Often, the causes of fatigue are related we have charged obligations that are difficult to carry. It is essential that you divide your work and highlight what is a priority and what you can expect; In case you do not, the result may be that you suffer from anxiety, stress or even depression.

5. It includes in your weekly routine some relaxing practices that will help ease the nerves and feel better able to relax deeply. Doing a massage, going to a spa, doing yoga or meditating are practices that will help you to avoid obligations and help you enjoy moments of disconnection and reunion with yourself.

This article is purely informative, we have no power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.