How to Lower Blood Glucose Level

How to Lower Blood Glucose Level

The hyperglycemia occurs when the levels of glucose in the blood are too high because the body does not have enough insulin or that this is desmasiado scarce. It is a condition often experienced by people with diabetes and can cause symptoms such as dry mouth, weakness, frequent urination and even diabetic coma if medical treatment is not given.

You will need to:

  • Glucometer


1. It is desirable that first you check your blood glucose levels with a glucose meter. Your pre-prandial (pre-meal) reading should be between 90 and 130 milligrams per deciliter (mg / dl). Your postprandial (post-meal) level should not exceed 140 mg / dl. The hyperglycemia is defined as a reading of greater than 180 mg / dl glucose and should be treated medically just immediately detected because otherwise it can cause problems serious health.


2. One of the essential steps that must be taken to reduce your blood sugar will restrict and reduce consumption of sugar daily. Both refined sugars and those obtained from the fruit are simple sugars, which are converted to glucose very quickly during digestion. This causes blood glucose levels to increase massively, so we recommend that you control your intake of sugars.

3. Another recommendation for patients who have elevated blood glucose levels is to seek eat fewer foods at meals. It is best to eat smaller portions and spread at different times of the day, this simple change can lead to a drop of important sugar so you should not miss it. In addition, this will also facilitate the digestion of food and, therefore, your intestinal transit.

4. Sticking with the food signposting is also important that you increase your fiber intake diet. Consumption is recommended foods high in soluble fiber like lentils, beans, carrots, broccoli, oats ... because this type of fiber helps slow down the process of absorption of sugars thus regulating glucose levels In blood. Also, it makes the absorption of fats also be slower and favors the control of cholesterol.

5. The physical exercise increases insulin sensitivity and when the body is exercised, it uses glucose as energy source which favors its descent. Exercise regularly and take into account that activities like running, swimming or cycling make your body burn more calories and thus more effective.
physical exercise increases

6. we have no power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.


  • If you have a blood glucose of 240 mg / dl, do not exercise. You have ketones, a toxic acid, in your bloodstream. Exercise will make your blood glucose rise even more. Visit your doctor for lifestyle changes that reduce your glucose levels safely.