Causes Of Pain In The Right Side (Waist)

Pain on the right side can mean many things and easily alarmed but precisely for these reasons, the first thing we do is go to our family doctor to make us a thorough check. The discomfort and pain on the right side often be related to kidney problems, appendix, pancreas or other organs, but can also be a bone issue.

When alarmed by pain in the side
Logically, if the pain on the right side is very strong you must go immediately to the doctor. Although, if the pain is weaker, you can let go 48 hours to see the evolution and if after these two days the pain persists should visit a specialist. Please, note that if it hurts the side after sport, probably try transient abdominal pain (DAT) or flatus , which is as we know it colloquially, to keep you from happening again we give some solutions our article how to combat flatus .

Causes pain on the right side

This pain can be caused by many diseases , some important and some not. For example, it may be the result of poor digestion, gas or constipation . However this type of pain, especially if it is the right side, could be a sign of something more serious like appendicitis , pancreatitis, food poisoning, ectopic pregnancy, diverticulitis, viral hepatitis, kidney stones or gallstones, gastritis, stomach ulcer, pelvic inflammation, gastroesophageal reflux disease , irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, lactose intolerance , urinary tract infection or hiatal hernia . Any of these diseases should be diagnosed as soon as possible by a physician in order to start appropriate treatment, preventing the condition from worsening and discomfort is prolonged.

Problems in the spine

If it hurts the right side rather in the back area you might have a spinal problem . It will be necessary to detect it or make it a radiograph espinograma full spine. In many of these cases are diagnosed scoliosis, although you can also have a problem with the vertebrae and, therefore, we recommend a visit to the physiotherapist or osteopath.

The abdominal pain on the right side can be appendicitis

Appendicitis is one of the most typical problems that cause pain on the right side , it will identify different than a bellyache because it is only on that side of the body. One of the first symptoms is a mild pain that appears around the navel or in the stomach, difficult to distinguish from a typical bellyache. However, during the day it becomes continuous and progressive, thus becoming a serious pain; you can even think: "This pain is not normal."

Try push strongly the painful area with the index and middle finger for two seconds then remove them . If you have appendicitis , pressing this area, or cough as surely will realize a small cry of pain. Try to walk or get erect, another characteristic symptoms of acute appendicitis is walking shrunken and almost motionless as the pain may decrease or increase depending on the inclination of the belly.

Treatment for lateral pain

The pain in the side either right or left, as always, depends on the cause. If the pain is caused by muscle spasm, rest, physical therapy and exercise it is recommended. When this pain is caused by arthritis of the spine, you may be prescribed non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs and physical therapy to learn how to perform exercises at home.

When pain is a stomach issue a light food is recommended, do not eat vegetables or fruit because they are harder to digest food. In the case of a kidney infection the doctor will prescribe antibiotics us. Surely, you also receive fluids and pain relievers. It may require hospitalization if it comes to conditions like appendicitis or problems requiring surgery.

This article is for information only, in have no power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any diagnosis. We invite you to visit a doctor in case of presenting any kind of condition or discomfort.