Nephritis is a disease that affects the kidneys. This disease consists of inflammation of the kidneys, which may be due to a febrile illness, such as tonsillitis, flu or a purulent focus that is usually found in the teeth. Renal inflammation usually begins with general fatigue, Pain in the back and swelling of the eyelids, as well as in the genital or lumbar region. Besides the sick note some pressure on the heart and gasps to breathing.
You will need to:
- Honey of bees.
- Elder flowers.
- Water.
- Cup.
- Vegetables.
- Vegetables.
- Fresh fruits of the time.
- Bath or shower.
1. You have to stay completely at rest in bed.
2. The regimen you have to follow should be completely vegetarian smooth, excluding salt, milk and by-products such as cheeses.
3. It is highly recommended to eat honey in abundance as well as onion, and drink lemon juices and various fruit of the time and sparkling mineral water.
4. You do not have to wear undergarments that prevent perspiration such as nylon.
5. Hot seat baths are recommended twice a day and last for 20 minutes. Alternating them with steam baths to the abdomen.
6. Every day you have to apply a vital bath followed by a massage of the renal region.
7. You have to apply two daily wraps of warm clay water, one in the morning and one in the evening. And after the wraps you have to apply clay cataplasms 2 centimeters thick in the chest and in the renal region.
8. It is necessary to sweat copiously to suppress the residues that are not eliminated by the kidneys. That's why when you're in bed you have to drink an elder's infusion, because of a handful of elderberries for a cup of boiling water.
This article is purely informative, we have no power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.