Removing muscle knots

Removing muscle knots

Do you suffer the pain of a knotted muscle ? Whether because of a bad gesture, excessive exercise or any other reason, this condition can be very painful and annoying. Also, a muscle can cramp spontaneously during sleep or when making any movement.

Apply heat to the affected muscle

If muscle pain is really just a lump muscle and not an injury , heat helps to relax the muscle so that it can loosen and release the knot. If you believe the knot is due to an injury, apply an ice pack in place and see a doctor. Likewise, electric heating pads, hot packs and disposable gel pads that generate heat work well for muscle knots.

Massage done in the area affected

It will be advisable to visit a physical therapist or masseuse so you can descontracturarte and undo the muscle knot. If it is in the leg, you can choose to massage it easily yourself

Unfortunately, many muscle knots occur in the neck and shoulder and are not as accessible. In these cases, you can get under a warm shower and let the water fall on you for a long time. After showering, use a pillow massage or a portable hand -held device on the knotted muscle.

Removing muscle knots

Stretch the muscle slowly .
Also, stretching may help prevent the muscles surrounding the knotted muscle to contract and thus increase the problem. Therefore, you should perform this type of movements with those closest to the affected area muscles. If you play any sports or exercise, it is essential that you make the stretch suitable for most working muscles.
Stretch the muscle slowly .

Activities for stretching or elongating slowly:
the practice of yoga, Tai chi, taekwondo or martial art is recommended, as they are rich in relaxation activities, which is the most important when it comes to these types of problems. They are very complete, because not only contain relaxation, but also stretching and physical activity, key points for daily well-being of anyone. If you do this activity, you will see short-term changes and you to enjoy a better quality of life.

Activities for stretching or elongating slowly

In some cases, they may be useful in reducing pain drugs NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or muscle relaxants , but they should always be prescribed by a physician.
Prescription, you can also apply some topical cream for muscle pain . These treatments help relax the muscles and facilitate a deeper and more useful massage, although it is only a temporary solution.
