Food to strengthen kidney health naturally

The kidneys are the organs that are responsible for removing toxins accumulated in the body often acquired through pollution in the environment, chemical substances found in processed foods such as soft drinks, alcohol, snuff, etc. products, and even in the same animal foods we consume daily. Without the kidneys, all these substances accumulate in the bloodstream and compounds that are not used by the body could not be eliminated through the urine.

For these reasons it is strongly recommended maintaining the health of the kidneys in excellent condition, leading to them to perform their function in the most optimal way. When the kidneys are saturated with these chemicals may be damaged which would lead to the development of kidney disease, preventing carry out their duties and damaging the body in general as a result.

Naturally, a person with kidney disease should avoid eating drugs with high doses of active ingredients, as this would force the kidneys to work at a faster pace. When they such cases, doctors tend to suspend or significantly reduce medication their patients, as well as structuring a diet of natural foods that while they will not cure the disease, they will help the kidneys do not continue to deteriorate with Over time. Typically, such schemes intended to reduce or moderate the consumption of certain foods (even if these are natural), while should maximize the presence of others.

Foods to avoid or reduce on a diet for kidney care

  • Protein : This type of macro-nutrients is synthesized through the work of the kidneys, so that their consumption would be an extra effort to do so, may cause havoc after consumption. For that reason, it is that protein - rich foods, especially those of animal origin, is strictly prohibited for people suffering from kidney disease.
  • Fats and carbohydrates : Foods rich in fats and carbohydrates, especially from sugars, are not recommended. And is that after consumption, cholesterol or glucose can significantly increase leading to the kidneys to work harder to get rid of all these harmful substances to the body. As a result, products made from refined flour, fried and sugar - rich foods, soft drinks, etc. should not be consumed.
  • Potassium : Excessive potassium in the body can also interfere with kidney function and lead to the manifestation of complications. Bananas, nuts, avocados, etc., are some examples of foods that are not included in diets for kidney health.
  • Sal : sausages, pickles, fritters and a long list more junk food are much more harmful when suffering from kidney disease, as they have a high salt content, which not only leads to fluid accumulation and swelling of the body , but also to an increase in blood pressure and the risk of developing hypertension, which could cause damage to internal organs such as the kidney.

In specific cases, you should still pay more atten
tion to diets. In the case of people suffering from kidney stones, intake of certain foods such as caffeine, alcohol, tea, red meat, livers and brains of animals, sausages and more RESTRICTS. Some of vegetable origin such as chocolate and spinach should not appear in the list of allowed foods.

Moreover, those who have kidney failure, also prohibited the consumption of protein, except those found in fresh cheese ell. Fats are advised not either if they come from animals or plants. However, keep in mind that by no means should be avoided at all costs, because vegetable fats (mostly) provide essential oils that improve the state of the cardiovascular system.

Foods to Fight Kidney Disease

  • Water : We could say that water is the elixir of the kidneys, because thanks to her job becomes even easier because the toxins accumulated in the body are removed more easily, for a longer period of time. It is advisable to drink two glasses of water daily, although this may also depend on the individual and its feeding. Should eat foods rich in salt, should increase the intake of vital fluid to an extra half liter, although it is important to maintain some care, especially when suffering from swelling due to fluid accumulation, or having difficulty urinating. When you have kidney stones then be replaced by pure water carbonated water, which prevents the formation or development of uric acid kidney stones, which are characterized by cause cramps and other problems because of malfunctioning kidneys.
  • Diuretics Foods : Foods with diuretic properties, ie aa conducive to waste disposal through urine, should not be overlooked. Examples of them apples, pineapple, watermelon, carrots, and clearly, water, among others. Coffee and tea, although they share these characteristics, they are not included within the given doses that have caffeine that would be extra work for the kidneys list.

If desired, you can also improve the status of these bodies through other natural methods such as herbal medicine , which is planning a regime based on plants and herbs. Some examples are:

  • Infusion of dandelion
  • Parsley : It prevents the formation of stones
  • Green nettle : Its use is to boil the herb in a cup of water for fifteen minutes (and then let stand for another five), taking the preparation three times a week, under fasting conditions.
  • Stem Ceretilla : It is ideal to treat kidney diseases such as inflammation, calculations, trouble urinating, pain, infections.
  • Horsetail : It also has diuretic properties that favor the elimination of toxins naturally, in addition to preventing the emergence of stones, gallstones, inflammation, urinary tract infections and fluid retention.
  • Flower Guazima : Improve the condition of the liver and kidneys. 
  • Arnica: Improving the status of the kidneys, especially when they suffer injuries from heavy blows. It can be consumed as tea or applied by ointments.