8 Remedies To Clarify The Armpits Naturally

Although no one usually talk about it, the fact is that the stains on the underarms are more common than many people believe and have their origins in diverse factors as may be excessive sweating, wearing tight clothes, constant applications deodorants or antiperspirants that damage the skin and even poor hygiene.

While it has not found a direct relationship in these spots with illness, keep in mind that if it is a purely aesthetic problem, so a social level is not well seen, leaving much to talk about people They are suffering from it. However, there are drugs that pose a great relief because they allow remove underarm stains naturally without having to make large outlays of money on medical treatments.

Overweight or obesity as a factor in the generation of dark underarms

Not many know, but overweight and obesity have a close relationship with many of the most common skin problems, especially in the creases such as the neck, armpits, knees, etc. Some of the known causes is the body's resistance to insulin, which is reflected in the appearance of dark spots that give the appearance of dirt in areas such as the neck.

But that's not the only problem, because people who suffer from these conditions also develop greater sensitivity on the skin, becoming more prone to infection and irritation in the affected areas.

Those with diabetes should have a much tighter control when these situations occur, since the curative treatments are usually much more complex, so that healing can take place successfully.

How to prevent dark spots in the armpits

In addition to health conditions already mentioned above, there are some recommendations that can be considered to prevent the appearance of spots in the armpits. As well they say, prevention is better than cure.

  • Avoid shaving the armpits constant: The shaving underarm skin and generally cause considerable irritation, which in turn causes the appearance of dark spots.
  • Depilatory creams and other related products also cause irritation, especially when used frequently.
  • In order to avoid stains under the arms, it is more advisable to opt for shaving with wax, since in this way if it can start the hair root, so that the passing of the hours the spots no longer be visible .
  • Perhaps it can be painful, but the truth is that after a couple of sessions the body develops resistance to certain feelings.
  • As noted at the beginning of the article, hygiene is essential for maintaining healthy skin. This is because thereby are achieved remove dead cells follows the skin every day.
  • The use of chemical deodorants much also a common problem for both armpits and for clothing, which usually suffer the appearance of yellow spots.
  • Perspiration also has much to do with dark spots, so you should avoid wearing tight clothing or shelter in excess to allow the body to breathe properly.
  • Whenever possible it is advisable to exfoliate the skin, from the face to the neck and the folds where it tends to accumulate a larger amount of dead cells.

As long as the problem of underarm stains is not caused by any medical condition, you can proceed to use any of the methods listed below that have proven effective over the years.

1. Blanch the armpits with lemon

Lemon is a fruit that provides a number of beneficial properties for the body. We know that has a high content of Vitamin C, so it acts as an effective antioxidant which improves the health of the organism in general, including skin.

At the same time has an exfoliating function due to its acidity it off, also makes it an excellent anti-biological agent that is capable of wiping out the bacteria that cause odor.

However, before applying should take into account some aspects to avoid damaging the exposed skin because the acidity thereof, may also cause irritation or other adverse effects.

  1. One of the most common forms of application is directly rub a slice of lemon in each armpit by small circular massage over five minutes. As a recommendation is necessary to take a shower immediately after completion and apply some moisturizer (never deodorants) to prevent dry skin.
  2. A less aggressive way is to mix three tablespoons of plain yogurt with the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of honey. Then stir well until smooth mixture and apply directly on the armpits for ten minutes. Remove the mixture with warm water.
  3. You can also make a mixture of two table-spoons of sugar with a few drops of lemon juice, so that the sugar remains softer and moist (but not wet). Preferably use brown sugar and once the combination has been made, apply with the help of hands with gentle massage. Let stand for about ten minutes and rinse with warm water. This method is ideal for people with dark skin for shaving.
  4. As a last resort, you can make use of a nut paste with lemon and honey. In this case, natural yogurt is replaced by the ground walnuts, stir all ingredients until well blended. The effect remains the same, as well as the manner and time of application.

For either case, the results begin to be felt from the first week. It is important not to apply more than two or three times each week to no adverse effects.

2. Blanch the armpits with bicarbonate

Baking is another compound that acts as an excellent anti biological agent that is able to kill bacteria that cause odor in the armpits, so it is also seen as a cheaper alternative to deodorants.

In the same way, it has exfoliating properties that lead to reduce dead skin cells, releasing the sweat glands to get a better oxygenation and prevent the accumulation of more bacteria.

  1. The application method is to form a paste made of baking soda and water, mixing a tablespoon in a cup of liquid. Then apply through small circular massage, let stand for ten minutes. Finally, rinse with warm water and dry with a dry, soft cloth to avoid damaging the skin.

Bicarbonate, the power used as a deodorant, prevent further implementation of the latter, preventing irritability and dark spots caused by chemicals.

3. Blanch the armpits with cucumber

Cucumber is a miraculous fruit, its main properties can find their high fiber content and low calorific value which together help to lose weight quickly and naturally. But focusing on the problem has Vitamin E, which is excellent to treat almost any skin-related deficit as underarm stains. Not surprisingly, it is used in all beauty salons to reduce eye bags.

  1. For this method requires a cucumber peeled and cut into small cubes. Then the cubes to be ground in a blender until the consistency of thick paste. Then, wash your armpits with cold water to open the pores and apply with a cotton swab. Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water. Voila!
  2. A more complex and at the same time effective method is to use lemon, cucumber and turmeric. Simply mixing citrus juice with freshly collected from a cucumber juice and a tablespoon of turmeric. Once a homogeneous combination, applied with a cotton swab and clean underarms for about 5 minutes obtained. Rinse with warm water and dry with a soft towel.
  3. In case of not having enough time, you can also directly apply a cucumber slice over armpits and even leave overnight to prolong its effect.

The advantage of this remedy is that it is never aggressive and can be used every day until the stains are gone.

4. Blanch the armpits with potatoes

Potatoes are also recommended for skin lightening, including in the folds such as the armpits. Although not as good as the lemon, the truth is that is not at all irritating, making it a true alternative for people who feel uncomfortable when making use of citric.

  1. The easiest way to use is to cut a thick slice of potato, applying directly on the armpits for about ten minutes. When finished, rinse with warm water.
  2. If desired, and for best results, you can use the juice of potatoes, with the help of an extractor to obtain it. Then the juice is applied to the skin smeared with a cotton swab, giving little massages for the same time. It is important to clean with warm water to have finished to pull the dead cells.

5. Blanch the armpits with saffron

Certainly an effective method, but also expensive due to the price that saffron is obtained. However if you want to give a try, we must do the following.

  1. Mix a few strands of saffron in a cup milk until smooth combination. Then apply directly onto the underarms with small massage, using a cotton swab and let stand overnight to improve results.
  2. If desired, also be applied for 20 minutes then remove with warm water.

6. Blanch the armpits scented oils

The oils are used in skin problems as powerful moisturizing, but also function as exfoliants to get rid of all impurities.There are different methods that can be used and are mentioned below.

  1. The first recipe is made from two tablespoons of olive oil and a cup of brown sugar. both elements are combined in the cup until you have obtained a smooth paste. Then applied directly with a cotton swab or completely clean hands, leaving it on for five minutes. Clean with warm water. It is important to use it only twice a week, making sure to properly clean to avoid staining clothes.
  2. Coconut oil is also excellent for the task, since it has a high content of vitamin E. It is applied directly to the skin and does not require combinations with other ingredients. As a bonus, also it works as a deodorant because it has a fresh aroma that characterizes it.
  3. In some health food stores you can get pure vitamin E oil. It is applied in the same way as the rest and have an impact both visually as safe as it leaves the skin smoother. Perhaps one of the drawbacks is that this solution is not as affordable as the first two.
  4. Finally, the fourth option is to mix olive oil, wheat oil, jojoba oil, citrus oil (all oils should be in the same amount, for example, five drops) and water. By doing this a potent bleach should at most twice a day, preferably before each bath and clean armpits used is obtained.

7. Blanch the armpits with herbs

This bleach includes natural ingredients obtained through different herbs. They are fairly easy to make and can get affordable health food stores.

  1. This requires having licorice root extract, extract of aspen and raspberry extract (all in equal amounts). They turneth very well in a glass container and applied to the affected areas for about 30 minutes. Then you must rinse well with cold water to prevent clothes staining. With this in mind, it is preferable to use before the shower. The treatment involves applying daily the first two weeks; After this period, the dose change to a maximum of twice a week until the stains disappear completely.

Once finished, the mixture can be stored in a clean and tightly covered in the refrigerator.

8. Blanch the armpits with orange peels

This method has proven effective thanks to orange peel not only removes stains under the arms, but also functions as a powerful exfoliant able to remove dead skin cells and fight bacteria that cause odor.

  1. This procedure begins leaving orange peels in the shade to dry. This may take from a few hours to a day. Once dehydrated are completely, they proceed to cut into small squares and subsequently mixed in minute quantities and rosewater milk so as to form a homogeneous paste. It is then applied to clean armpits and let stand for 10 minutes. At the end of this time the paste is removed with warm water and dry with a soft towel.

Because of its natural aroma, the essence of orange can last up to several hours.