Natural Remedies for Hair Loss

Hair loss is a normal hair renewal process and happens at different times, either when washed, hair brush, etc.

Generally, it lost 50 to 100 hairs a day. It is a cycle that is constantly renewed. Each hair fiber has its life cycle (hair cycle) and consists of the following phases: anagen (growth), catagen (transition) and telogen (fall).

The problem arises when that cycle is disrupted and excessive or massive loss, known as alopecia occurs. Then, the following question arises: Why more hair than normal falls?

According to several studies, this loss is due to several factors can include poor nutrition, heredity, stress, medications, diseases, certain medical treatments, hormonal changes and chemical treatments hair salon.

However, in most cases hair loss can be controlled if treated from the onset of symptoms by home remedies as the cause of the fall.

Remedies for hair loss

Remedy for hair loss # 1: The sage and rosemary are used in the world of natural cosmetics to prevent hair loss. To do this, you should boil two tablespoons of rosemary, several peach leaves, a tablespoon of sage and nettle another in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat and drain. The resulting liquid is used to wash hair.

Remedy for hair loss # 2: The Indian gooseberry can also be used to prevent hair loss and prevent loss of your natural color prematurely. For this it is necessary to cut the fruit into pieces, dry it in the shade and then boiled with coconut oil to make have a dark color. Then massage the hair daily with this oil.

Remedy for hair loss # 3: Commitment rinsing apple cider vinegar and sage tea is effective against hair loss. To do mix a cup of sage tea with three tablespoons apple cider vinegar and apply it . Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash as usual.

Remedy for hair loss # 4: Add six drops of bay oil to 120 grams of sesame oil, soy or almond and use it to massage the hair root. Let stand for 20 minutes before washing.

Remedy for hair loss # 5:  The aloe or aloe vera to achieve ideal PH balance and combat hair loss. To do this, you should mix aloe vera gel with wheat germ and coconut milk which is further necessary to achieve the rapid hair growth stimulation.


Do not rub your scalp when you wash your hair, as it will loosen the hair follicles wet.

Do not pull the hair when combing wet because you can start it or cut it . Use a comb or brush teeth widths.

Do not brush or comb your hair too , as this can irritate the scalp and facilitate hair loss.

Cover Contrary to common belief, caps or hats do not promote hair loss (if used in moderation). Rather they help you to protect it from the effects of sunlight.

Avoid heat If your hair is fragile in itself, preclude the use of the dryer or curling iron. These tools only further weaken. Let it dry naturally and use styling creams.

Minimize dyes Applying tinctures usually dry strands, which can enhance their break and detachment; For this reason, it is advisable to use them once a month.

HidrĂ¡tatar hair takes the elements of the body for growth, and if you are malnourished, grow weak. To avoid this , increase the consumption of water and fruits in your daily diet.