How to make homemade deodorant for feet

Do you suffer from smelly feet regularly? This is a very common and uncomfortable while usually caused by excessive sweating problem in the area, which facilitates the bacteria responsible for the unpleasant odor can quickly develop. This situation can also be brought about by hormonal changes, inadequate nutrition, the condition of fungi or certain specific conditions, and the use of poor quality shoes.

1. In the market, there are many deodorants suitable for removing smelly feet and avoid this a recurring problem in the day. However, many of these products contain toxic ingredients or are antiperspirant, which prevent sweat and therefore do not allow the body to get rid of toxins, being accumulated in these different areas. For this reason, it is very important to choose natural deodorants that help combat the problem without jeopardizing the health and exacerbate excessive sweating in the area.

In the following lines, we reveal what are the best natural products to make homemade deodorant that you provide what you really need to fight the bad smell in the feet, i.e to help reduce the proliferation of fungi and bacteria responsible for unpleasant odor, other disinfectants, regulating the pH of the skin of the feet and they contribute to these a sense of permanent and lasting freshness.

2. The first deodorant for home feet we suggest you have the star ingredient sodium bicarbonate . This product has excellent properties, on the one hand, remove bacteria and, secondly, to neutralize and absorb odors, thus achieving camouflaging excessive sweating. In addition, we add citrus foods that provide a more intense and pleasant aroma.


1 tablespoon baking soda
1 cup salt
the skin of 1 lemon
the skin of 1 orange
1 liter of water

Preparation: First, remove the lemon peel and orange with a knife , and when you have, place them in a pot with water and bring to a boil for about 5 minutes. After this time, remove from heat and strain the liquid. Pour the liquid into a bowl, add salt and baking soda and stir to integrate. Immerse your feet in preparation for a few minutes and see how the result is a fragrant and beautiful feet.

3.Taking advantage of new properties of baking soda, you can make another deodorant for smelly feet combining this product with some essential oils that also will give youa much more intense fragrance to the product and leave the skin neat and beautiful feet. It notes the following recipe.


3 tablespoons baking soda
100 g of white clay powder
20 drops of peppermint essential oil
20 drops of essential oil of lemon
20 drops of oil Tea tree .

This is an excellent antifungal and antibacterial natural, perfect to combat all fungi and bacteria can multiply in the skin of the feet.

Preparation: to make it , you just have to add all the ingredients in a large pot with a lid.When you pour the baking and all oils, cover the jar and shake vigorously to mix all. Then, you can apply it to your feet anytime throughout the day, do it before inserting socks. You can also spray a little of the mixture inside the shoes and let these be aired overnight.

4.In addition to sodium bicarbonate, one of the best products with which you can make a homemade deodorant for feet is apple cider vinegar. This popular product has the ability to regulate the pH level in the skin and eliminate the accumulation of bacteria and fungi that can end up causing this smelly feet so upset. In addition, we will add lavender essential oil, which is also antibacterial and very respectful of the skin.


1 cup apple cider vinegar
20 drops of lavender essential oil

Preparation: Mix the two ingredients in a glass jar with lid and shake to integrate completely. Then dilute the preparation with two parts water and you'll spray the mixture on your feet to eliminate odor. You can also use it to flavor inside shoes and prevent them smell bad.

5.In addition to these natural products that can make your own homemade deodorant foot, we recommend you read the article How to remove foot odor home remedies to discover other effective treatments.

Moreover, it is important to avoid smelly feet and excessive sweating in this part of the body you consider recommendations such as:

Maintain good foot hygiene. Wash them daily with soap and water and dry them well after bathing so they are not wet. Use deodorant regularly to keep them fresh way.
Always avoid wearing the same pair of shoes, and let altérnalos night was aired in an airy.
Avoid using plastic shoes or synthetic materials. It prefers those that allow the foot to breathe.
Avoid using the same pair of socks for more than a day.