Controlling tachycardia

Imagine you are doing shopping or taking children to school before going to work, when suddenly your heart starts beating faster . What you really feel is that your heart can jump chest, you find it difficult to breathe and you feel dizzy and anxious. It might even be afraid to be having a heart attack . However, after taking a few minutes to catch your breath, you notice that your heart rate is normal now. If this happens, you may be experiencing tachycardia ; and if often not well be fatal, it can be disconcerting. Therefore, we recommend to be clear how to deal with this situation and learn how to control tachycardia.

1. Vagus Nerve Stimulation:

If you feel you're having tachycardia that starts at the top of his heart, as supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) , you must follow the following tips:

  • Hold your breath and strain, put your face in ice or make some strong coughs water.
  • It takes a long breath while bending his head down toward the stomach or puts pressure on your eyelids.
  • If these techniques do not work, apply a light pressure on the carotid artery, placing the index and middle fingers beside the larynx (also known as walnut or Adam's apple).

These exercises stimulate the vagus nerve to slow the electrical impulses that control heart rate .

2. Stress :

If stress increases when you suffer tachycardias, you must adopt some techniques relaxation as deep breathing or yoga . Also, you should take some time to relax and clear your mind , for example you can finally stretch out on the couch and read a book.

Try to minimize problems in your life or try to change the way you react to life 's problems. This can be very difficult to do alone, so look for a specialist - a psychologist, a yoga instructor or acupuncture- can do this transition from combat stress is a little easier.

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3. Exercise:

Find time in your day to strengthen the muscles of the heart with exercise. Exercise helps the heart pump more blood, which lowers the heart rate and also decreases the level of stress. But for this to be effective, you must exercise regularly.

4. Diet:

As in any healthy diet, you should control the intake of certain foods. Eliminate from your diet processed carbohydrates like white bread, refined cereals and refined wheat products, potatoes, sweets, desserts and soft drinks. Add healthy foods like complex carbohydrates with high fiber, whole grain breads and brown rice, vegetables, especially raw, legumes, fruits, except bananas, and meat. Should be vegetarian, three or four servings of vegetables a week will satisfy your protein intake.

5. Minerals / Vitamins:

Magnesium promotes regularity of heartbeats, so you should add more magnesium - rich foods in your diet. Some good choices are: spinach, almonds, cucumbers, avocado, lentils, onions, oranges, peaches, peas, beans, pumpkins and radishes. If you think you can not incorporate enough magnesium - rich foods in your diet, you can buy magnesium supplements instead; so we recommend you consult our article how to take magnesium .

6. Caffeine:

Cut back on caffeine is key, and this includes coffee, tea, chocolate and caffeinated beverages, such as soda. You should be aware that even decaffeinated beverages contain small amounts of caffeine. This does not mean you can not enjoy these drinks occasionally, but if you notice that your heart is pounding after the second cup of coffee, caffeine is likely to be the trigger.

This article is for information only, 'Health Tips' have no power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any diagnosis. We invite you to visit a doctor in case of presenting any kind of condition or discomfort.