The back pain is a back discomfort caused by spinal structures such as nerves, joints, muscles or bones. This occurs on any part of the back from the lower lumbar area and the right pelvis up to the neck, but the most common region is the lower back. The best way to prevent back pain is to prevent it from happening. However, if you have back pain , there are things you can do to give relief and healing.
1. Take an anti - inflammatory such as ibuprofen . Analgesics such as acetaminophen can help relieve back pain , but ibuprofen may be more effective because it helps reduce inflammation. Use as directed on the box.
2. Sleep on your side with a small pillow between your knees.
3. Apply an ice pack or cold compresses as soon as possible to the affected area several times a day for 20 minutes. (A bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel or pillow works well.)
4. Change to warmth after about two to three days of cold compresses. Use a heating pad on the affected for short periods several times a day to help area improve circulation and relax muscles .
5. Restart your daily activities as soon as possible. Inactivity or bed rest often causes back pain worse by decreased muscle tone.
6. Exercise activities for a healthy back as swimming, stretching and walking. Proper exercise strengthens the abdominal and back muscles and reduces recovery time. Yoga also helps muscles by stretching them.
7. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. The back loses mass of the disc as we age and drinking water helps because it is the main chemical component of about 60 percent of our weight.
Referring to Fig.
- To avoid back pain: stretch before exercising; Practice correct posture; Wear comfortable shoes.
- When lifting heavy objects, bend your knees and do not twist, and if possible, find someone to help you.
- Eat a well balanced diet and do not smoke.
- In exercise, the discomfort in the back should disappear as the muscles warm up. If the pain level is moderate or worse after 15 minutes of yoga or exercise, stop exercising and contact your doctor.
- If there is no noticeable back pain relief after 72 hours of self-care, consult your physician.